Category Archives: Uncategorized

OHFM’s Annual Christmas Program

Our annual Christmas program this year featured the children of Meeting offering a Godly Nativity Play, as well as musical sharing (“The Wexford Carol,” “Oh Holy Night”), children’s stories, a group reading from the Gospel of Luke, and holiday mummers leading us in a Newfoundland variation of “Green Grow the Rushes, O.”

Afterwards, we braved the frigid air for a group photo, and then joined up for a festive potluck.

Special thanks to Peggy Ramsey for ably directing the festive occasion.

The Grimke Sisters; Quakers Who Made a Difference

On Sunday, January 17, at 10:00 Tim and Kristin Simmons will be leading a discussion on the life and works of Sara and Angelina Grimke as part of our continuing Forum Series, “Quakers Who Have Made a Difference.” The Grimke sisters grew up on a plantation in South Carolina in the early 1800’s, in a slave system they grew to abhor. They moved to Philadelphia and joined the Arch Street Meeting, and they were the first women to speak out in the north against the injustices of slavery from their own first hand experience. They dared to speak out in favor of women’s rights as well.

Children are welcome as this series is a joint project of our First Day School and our adult Meeting. Come and join the discussion.

June 22: FCNL, Friends’ Faithful Lobby

Joan Broadfield will be facilitating discussion at Old Haverford Forum this Sunday, June 22rd, at 10:00. The second speaker in our June forum series, Joan who is the PYM representative to Friends Council on National Legislation (FCNL) will talk about the organization that brings Friends’ concerns to Capitol Hill.

Please join us for an update on the important work that Friends are doing in Washington DC and how we can get involved.