Tag Archives: spiritual

OHFM’s Spring Spiritual Retreat

Old Haverford Friends Meeting will be holding a Spring Retreat on Sunday May 19th from 8:30-1:30 PM at the Meetinghouse. 

The retreat will be inclusive of worship and our 3rd Sunday potluck lunch. We will start in the morning with reflections on Quaker writings followed by sharing in pairs. Then we will experience some live music before worship, provided by Molly Hicks and Tim Simmons. After worship and lunch, we will explore some queries as a community.

Meeting member sand visitors are welcome to attend all of he retreat events, or just some!

March 30th, Mike Brenner: A New Look at the Human Tragedy

On Sunday, March 30th, at 10:00, Mike Brenner will lead a discussion that focuses on tales from ancient Mesopotamia as ways to understand the sources of self destruction in our human condition.

Mike has been attending Old Haverford Meeting for several months. He has no prior Quaker affiliation. Trained and fully credentialed in Architecture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Mike works privately with people in an educational model, with a spiritual orientation.

Mike is writing a book, “Once Upon a Time. . .Using Our Oldest Tales to Free Ourselves” which re-tells ancient stories from Mesopotamia, not as pure myth, but as essentially factual accounts in poetic language. The stories, according to Mike, illuminate the source of all the means of self-destruction we engage in …and a possible way out of the tragic human condition.

Come and learn more about Mike’s explorations and discoveries in this fascinating forum.